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The beauty of centrifuge six food urges a person old

Release date:2014-11-13

All say time is the "butcher's knife", beauty of centrifuge to understand if without the aid of micro plastic technology now, but why don't we from the diet pay attention to these problems. In fact, some foods if uptake is improper, also will make you look more aging. Beauty centrifuge learned recently, the magazine on such foods introduced counting American "prevention", let us with beauty centrifuge look.
Popcorn and candy cake
To understand because of the beauty of centrifuge contains a lot of sugar, often eat two kinds of food will make your blood sugar, accelerate wrinkles form.
Looks like Ankang grain
Here refers to in order to make the taste better, the implementation of deep processing of cereal food. This kind of food is often in the packaging for playing the Ankang card, in fact, added a lot of sugar, eating too much is not good for Ankang.
Don't be surprised, milk does have benefits for the body, but on the skin is not so seriously. Beauty centrifuge understand that milk contains hormones or growth factors, these substances even after high temperature sterilization can still adhere to the activity, the effect of insulin play a role, incurred by the body to produce more oil. However, you can try organic milk, hormone levels can lower.
Potato chips
A very common snacks, fried potato chips will accelerate the collagen protein oxidation. Beauty centrifuge found often eat potato chips, beware the wrinkles on the face oh.
Soda and juice
You know, a lot of fruit juice and soda water is just sugar "transportation", and does not contain a few cellulose. This is definitely a bad news for your skin.
Beauty centrifuge to understand margarine contains large amounts of trans fatty acid, this substance will induce skin wrinkles.
About beauty centrifuge the other information please visit http://www.shlxj.com.cn/ for more details.