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Table type low speed large capacity centrifuge use method

Release date:2014-11-13

Low speed large capacity centrifuge suggests first will be the machine with centrifugal tube in the parting of the materials, were inserted into the centrifugal head hole, each centrifugal quality tube plus material must base flat, close the cover, connect the power supply, turn the power switch (the back of the instrument).
1: low speed large capacity centrifuge to pick the key according to the flash screen indicator (flashing digits), and then we select rotor / great need (2).
2: according to pick the key according to the flash screen indicator (flashing digits), and then we select required - speed.
3: low speed large capacity centrifuge again to pick the key according to the flash screen indicator (flashing digits), required operating time selection and then ^ amounting to key.
4: in the approved key, then press the start button, at this time: the beginning operation centrifuge. When the operation time of arrival set will take the initiative to declare the alarm sound.
Table type low speed large capacity centrifuge pay attention to matters:
1: low speed large capacity centrifuge banned all kinds of liquids or other debris into the centrifugal operation room. Otherwise the return damaged host.
2: low speed large capacity centrifuge instrument shell should be properly grounded, so as to avoid the machine damp impact accidents.
3: please don't open the upper cover the centrifugal head when running at high speed.
4: when setting the occurrence fault will automatically alarm, prompting you to reset.
Table type low speed large capacity centrifuge repair and accessories:
In the use of the centrifuge as found from the heart eccentric, please knowledgeable personnel it, first remove the rotor then open the bottom cover, check whether the motor pillar deviation, suspension adjustment can be.
On low speed large capacity centrifuge the other information please visit http://www.shlxj.com.cn/ for more details.