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A beauty centrifuge centrifuge may encounter in the use of the problem

Release date:2014-11-05
A beauty centrifuge centrifuge may encounter in the use of the problem
(1) a beauty centrifuge centrifuge adjustable resistance, adjustable resistance for centrifuge equipment in the control panel, use frequency is very high, a long time, appears the situation of poor contact is generally.
(2) silicon controlled beauty centrifuge centrifuge of doubt about the many, usually open circuit, short circuit breakdown, can trigger or internal bad contact.
(3) one need only doubt beauty centrifuge four rectifier diodes on centrifuge in.
(4) between the beauty of centrifuge centrifuge on the motor rotor and commutator with carbon or carbon brush their bad, in line with the principles of repair of the easy first, the primary measurement adjustable resistance, resistance with scheduling and the rules change, confirmed the potentiometer is good, then measuring the controllable silicon also found no doubt "in the measurement of four rectifier diode, found a HERSHEY'S bad, because the diode is big current gold seal tube, one end of the upper fastening screw on the circuit board, the other end with wire soldered to the circuit board, the remove the circuit board, found that positive and negative pole loose appearance, again while measuring the side swing, confirmed that the diode when HERSHEY'S bad, because the pipe type cannot see, put the same specification pipe installed, electricity power speed quickly, think tube breakdown just, remove measuring intact, measurement of the other three diodes are normal but in contrast measurement, found two types of diode positive and negative polarity completely opposite, namely one end of screw is positive, there are also negative,Therefore, attention must be paid to the best use of the same type in the equipment.