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PRP beauty beauty centrifuge cannot accept the situation

Release date:2014-10-31

About the beauty of centrifuge other information please visit http://www.shlxj.com.cn/ for more details.
Beauty can not accept the following conditions centrifuge beauty.
1 platelet dysfunction syndrome.
2 fiber protein synthesis disorder.
3 blood activity instability.
4 sepsis.
5 acute and chronic infection.
6 patients with chronic liver disease.
7 are under anticoagulant therapy in patients with.
The centrifuge process about PRP beauty beauty
1, beauty centrifuge know only in cleaning and disinfection, physician assistant will be in the elbow vein extraction you the blood of 10-20ml, this step is the same and the examination of the blood, can be done in 5 minutes, as long as the slight pain.
2, beauty centrifuge to understand the doctor will use a variety of ingredients centrifuge parting with 3000G in the blood of centripetal force, this step is about 10-20 minutes, then the blood will be parting into plasma and white blood cells, platelets and red cells of four layer.
PRP suite of instruments using 3, beauty in the centrifuge capable of handling the past manufacturing complex process, complicated configuration and manufacturing cycle long problem which needs PRP technology. The doctor only needs a special suit on the spot equipment can extract contains high concentrations of platelets and platelet high concentration growth factor.
4 and finally, beauty centrifuge tell you the doctor will put growth factor injection of them back to your needs improving parts of the skin, this process will not feel pain, only needs 10-20 minutes